Thank you for all your prayers throughout this journey from the time I am praying for ministry in Sabah to this moment where I am finally here. I am really thankful for your concern, support and prayers all this while. I know and believe that you have been concern and wanted to know how am I progressing and keep me in prayer, and therefore this sharing would be of a more personal journey of mine here and I seek for your prayer partnership as I journey along.
This 3 days been quite a challenge for me, adjusting slowly to new environment..Prior to that, I have lots to settle and had been sleeping real late
But I know God is with me a this while. One day after I settle down in KK, I was brought into 5 villages to meet the various teachers in the pre schools, and see how the pre school is doing, and I have been following Sister Rumba (see the attached picture of me and her
), she is the coordinator of all the pre school in Sabah. The work had grown and now we have about 97 preschool all over Sabah. This 3 days of following Rumba’s schedule, I really see how God had indeed been so real in her life. Most of us at that age would be enjoying our retirement, going holidays, but this lady is still sowing into the kingdom of God, the work she had done for the preschool, it’s really beyond words. If it is not God, I wouldn’t think she is able to do so much with the little she have, but with the very big heart
for God she accomplished so much for the kingdom
of God. If any prayers needed, it would be for God to strengthen her and continue to bless the labor of her hand. Her fervency for the Lord and her heart for the people is really beyond words. Not only she is with preschool, she is also involve with street kids ministry as well as venturing into couples ministry where she minister to couples together with her husband. Such an example of Christlike home! How can she find so much energy and time for all this? Indeed, when we do Gods work, our energy will not run out, that is what she told me
I really believe God have brought me here for reason…to have my faith challenged and encouraged. Just within 3 days, I am seeing so much of God’s goodness. Each meals in KK is best meal for me as well. I am very well taken care of and I practically got what I wish to eat without even asking
How God loves me so very much
This 3 days been quite a challenge for me, adjusting slowly to new environment..Prior to that, I have lots to settle and had been sleeping real late
for God she accomplished so much for the kingdom
of God. If any prayers needed, it would be for God to strengthen her and continue to bless the labor of her hand. Her fervency for the Lord and her heart for the people is really beyond words. Not only she is with preschool, she is also involve with street kids ministry as well as venturing into couples ministry where she minister to couples together with her husband. Such an example of Christlike home! How can she find so much energy and time for all this? Indeed, when we do Gods work, our energy will not run out, that is what she told me
At the moment I will be doing BM literacy workbook for the adults in one of the village. I will be piloting it in the village to see whether the program works well for the adults. The villagers have requested for someone to teach them BM for some time, but there is no resources to do it, so one of my role while I am here is to assist in this area. They are not able to read Gods word if they don’t know how to read at all, the villages are keen to learn, even to point that they wanted to join the pre school, but it is not appropriate as it would distract the children. So, end of this month, I will be seeing another 3 villages which is of great needs in term of education, and piloting the workbook that I am doing now, and see how the Lord leads further. I would be staying there for a short term, probably few months and then again be led by Him in any areas that He wanted me to be. These are the tentative plan that Rumba have for me, and the rest would be up
to Gods leading
I think I would enjoy kampung life…just pray that I will be well in health and for my family, esp mom back home.
to Gods leading
The needs in Sabah is really great, do cover Sabah in prayer as well, pray against injustice and that Christian leaders would really follow heartbeat of God – to defend the poor and helpless. Keep the preschool projects in your prayer, especially extra strength and wisdom for sister Rumba, as she leads this pre school setting up all over Sabah, the challenges to deal with the natives is really not easy, and most of the prayers are answered on her knees. She is really an example of person who walk her talk and doing Gods in her own quiet, sweet manner. I pray that one day too, you would be able to answer God’s call to do whatever He really want you to do…because thats where the most satisfaction comes from. Indeed He is good 
I appreciate all your prayers and concern, I will try to create a blog, so that I would not be sending emails for updates, instead, if you are interested to be in the loops on what and how I am doing, the blogs would tells 
In Him,
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