Friday, September 27, 2019

27.09.19 Abba Revives Us

He is good. Each day as I lay down my burden at His feet, all the worries and burden unto Him, I see how Abba allow me to realise many things and grow, oh how I am amazed by His love. There are sth that's going to break out....but what's that. Consecrated life, righteous life, Lord help Mr to pursue it Abba!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

15 Sept 2019

Today is the day, where the Holy Spirit was poured in the hostel. For past weeks.....this revival meeting have been in my mind and prayer....and I was excited when I found out it has live stream...and for past 2 nights i had been showing it to the students and tonight, some of them received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I believe many of them have been filled, but they are just shy to open their mouth. Some F1 girls...which i always thought too young to understand, tonight....Abba has filled her....oh what joy I have.

I pray that this will not be the end....I constantly have taught them, impart and after 9 months sowing into their I am slowly letting loose and allow God to continue to work, not so much teachings already, but more of impartations and love, and encouragement.....I am really so Abba brought me through....

Saturday morning I was going through books of Ezekiel....I had been running behind schedule for my bible reading....and I am only at Ezekiel...and Saturday night itself Pr Philip spoke about Ezekiel 37. Last Wednesday, I read Ezekiel 33 through to 43....and I shared with the kids here on Wed on Eze 33-34....and there are some questions I asked Abba on Ez 37, and He answered me through the sermon...How God knows how to reach me....this morning I was on Joel...and tonight message was in Acts 16 on the pouring out of Holy Spirit, as it is in book of this mere coincident? this the message for me personally or for the students? Tonight I just felt such a strong annointing of the Holy Spirit....and I just know that He has a consistent message for me...He will do great things through me....and whatever He has imparted to me...thats what I impart to the next generations.

Nothing is coincident in Him! I believe...He is leading the way...and me to persevere...running the race without feeling weary....Abba help me not to be distracted with the things of this world....but let me just focus in You and You alone know my deepest desire...and you grant you Daughter what she desired in Your perfect me to be patience meanwhile Abba....thank You for all that you had done in my life...I am eternally grateful....Love YOU ABBA

Your daughter,

Sunday, September 1, 2019

1 Sept 2019

Today, I broke down again in church....not because I was sad...again, when I see my students rise, and so love Abba, my heart cant contain the joy...
I was quite upset due to what happened to me and the pastor, I just couldn't comprehend why a pastor could behave like that, and guess as much as I wanted to be strong, I couldn't. I felt so rejected...yet in front of student I got to appear if nothing happen inside of me. I just dont like people having sour face to me...i dont like to see sad face, what more and angry face....In my heart...i was contemplating just to go another church, better that way as she don't have to see me eye to eye...thank God for Godly counsel...I telan, for sake of bearing testimony to student, I did not behave according to my emotion. So I went to church this morning....and God just touched me....Thank God i sat right at the back, no one looking, haha....but yea...some girls do look behind and saw me...but this is not the first it is OK...I am also human with feeling...

A girl, full of potential, 2 months ago, she cut herself, she wrote letter which surprised me, someone I see so beautiful in the eyes of God, such a potential in her...but the thing she did hurt me, hurt her family and I am sure God is not pleased too...I prayed for her, I asked for prayer for her, I cried for her, spoke to her mom, and slowly she recovered, though she did not share openly what had happened, but I pray God sustain her...2 mths down the road...seeing her growing, esp after Teenstreet camp, and how she is opening up to me now, and she is just like a daughter to me, one that I love, of many others. There wont be absolute fairness in how I treat all of them because all are made differently, but I know there are few girls that I really pray they will rise up and do well coz they love Jesus...their life and character showed....and how I wish I would see them grow and serve the Lord....
I was so touched...and the Lord always never fail to remind me....they are your precious, love is like a mandate I could never run away.....each smile on their face light my life up...and each tears they cried put me into cries too....Lord, that You will use them mightily...
There are many questions in my mind....on my future, my destiny...but Lord, please hold me up always...always always think and trust You no matter what....